Monday, May 9, 2011

She's Nothing But Porcelain Underneath Her Skin..

"She waits another week to fall apart. She couldn't wait another day."
Today's Blog title and snipet is from "American Girls" by Counting Crows

Before I start with my usual ramblings, I'm going to link here:

Today's question asks,"If you could meet someone famous today, who would it be? And why?"
My answer would have to be more than one person. It's an entire group. I loved Jack's Mannequin long before Vicki passed away, but now they're even more special to me. In addition to founding The Dear Jack Foundation, Vicki really saw them as a source of comfort during her battle with Leukemia. I'd want to personally thank them for that.

And now onto our regularly scheduled program:

What is it that makes people forget that others have feelings? There are quite a few instances this week at work that made me think, "Do you talk to everyone else this way?"

For Instance:

Today I had a woman come up to me, nothing but attitude all over her face. I wish her a Happy Mother's Day and she just glares at me. Oookay then. So I ring her up, (Asking me to check the price of nearly every item in her cart), and I tell her what her total is. She starts counting out her money, and puts it on the belt. I wait patiently for her to finish counting, but before she even gets to that point she looks at me and points to the money (Which is not all there yet) attitude dripping from the words leaving her mouth, and says "Take the money." She turns back to her wallet, while I'm holding this money (that I can do NOTHING with) until she finishes counting out her 97 cents in change (Because Heaven FORBID, she receive three pennies).

Who taught you that it was appropriate to treat people this way? Is it because you're on the other side of the cash register that you think you're better than me? Is it because I'm young that you think you can talk to me in such a disrespectful tone? What is it?

My mother did NOT raise me to treat people that way. I was taught to be polite, respectful, and courteous of ALL people. Any time I go to the grocery store, gas station, or even Burger King (ANYWHERE I go) I greet the employee with a smile, ask how their day is going (if they ask me how mine is going, I tell them and then thank them for asking). Once I'm finished with whatever business I was conducting, I tell them to have a great day (night or afternoon). Why is it so hard for people to do this?

I don't pretend to be perfect, but I do believe that everyone should be treated in a way that we would like to be treated. Also today, I had a woman who was using an EBT card (Food Stamps). She tried to swipe her card to pay for her groceries, hiding the card from the customers behind her. The card was telling me that she only had X amount of money on her card, not enough to pay for her groceries. Instead of telling her aloud, which most people would have done, I politely told her that there was a problem with her card, and handed her the receipt paper that explained the issue. I didn't feel the need to put her business out where it wasn't needed. And she was grateful for that. I would want the same thing done to me.

I'm not going to go into detail about how annoying/frustrating it is when parents let their children run rampant through the store screaming, knocking things over, getting in other customer's ways, getting in employees' ways, etc. Let's just suffice it to say that it goes FAR beyond a pet peeve.

But I digress. Aside from the sore back and ankles, my first week cashiering at Wal-Mart was pretty good.

On to a topic that never ceases to make me smile, my GORGEOUS and AMAZING boyfriend, Brian. :D

Tomorrow is our weekly classy wine, and movie night. And, should everything go according to plan, we're also going to FONDUE!! I'm so excited. I haven't done fondue in almost two years now. I miss it. It's so much fun. I miss my Loserface. He is the highlight of my week (We usually only see each other on Monday nights). I get to be silly with him, and he ALWAYS makes me laugh. I have a lot of fun with him. And even after almost 7 months of dating exclusively, we still have never actually fought. After my past relationships, it's so refreshing. I don't feel like I have to tip-toe around him. If we have an issue, we're able to talk it out (Like the ADULTS we are), and we're able to resolve it in the same day.

Side note:
What do you think of the new blog layout? Is it too much on the eyes? Let me know, and if you think it's too difficult to read, what can I do to make it easier?

Thanks for taking a peek inside of my head,



  1. I like your blog Ma'am. But yes the background is a little bit harsh upon the eyes. I can still see it when I look away from my screen... starting to think that is a bad! I am glad that Brian makes you so happy, and I can totally relate on the cashier business...I've been there. Kohl's wasn't always unicorns and bubbles! lol!

  2. Where are your blogs you follow? (Namely, mine!)

    Welcome to retail dear. Find the good or the nutty will drive you crazy. <3

    The layout is okay, but why music?

  3. I like the layout, although for me anything is difficult to read right now (thank you headache)So glad you found someone to love!
    I worked part time,a century ago, and it always amazed how rude people are when they THINK they are better than you. Hang in there and you just keep being the better person!
    coming from FMM

  4. Ellen- I need to figure this thing out still. Ha ha. I'll try to figure it out tomorrow after work. I love music. It speaks to me on so many levels, so I felt that music notes were appropriate.

    Courtney- I LOVE unicorns and bubbles! And you!:D

    Nina- Sorry to hear about your headache, I hope that by the time you read this, it's gotten better. As far as Brian goes, I wouldn't go as far as love. Extreme happiness, yes. :D But I think it's a little soon to start throwing around the "L" word. I love him for the person that he is, and for the person I am and want to be when he's around, but I wouldn't say I'm IN love with him yet. Too soon. :D I feel very junior highish for phrasing it that way. Also, thank you for taking the time to read and comment. It is very much appreciated.
